Introducing Workbench

Some of you may have heard about by new data journalism project — The Computational Journalism Workbench. This is an integrated platform for data journalism, combining scraping, analysis, and visualization in one easy tool. It works by assembling simple modules into a “workflow,” a repeatable, sharable, automatically updating pipeline that produces a publishable chart or a live API endpoint.

I demonstrated a prototype at the NICAR conference. UPDATE: Workbench is now in production at and has now been used in teaching in dozens of schools.

I’ll be working on Workbench for at least the next few years. My previous large data journalism project is the Overview document mining system, which continues active development.

10 thoughts on “Introducing Workbench”

  1. As a writer I’m interested in different journalism projects. I thinks this one can be interesting. Hope you will complete it. I know how hard it is. Sometimes appears a desire to stop everything. But you should remember, that lot’s of people looking for your Workbench, so don’t give up!

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